Top Bar
  • 22 Jun 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Top Bar

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Article summary

The top bar and side menu are fixed structures for all system screens. They provide access to various information quickly, making it easier to use the system.

Top Bar

The top bar assists users in navigating through the system by bringing relevant information and quick access to proposals and environment settings.

Logo & Title

In the top bar, there are two information that are fixed: the logo, which can be modified in the system settings, and the name of the application that can also be changed.


Proposal Search

Next to the instance name is the search bar. With it users can perform quick searches of proposals just by typing part of the name and upon finding the proposal, click 'ENTER' from the keyboard or click on the name of the proposal to access it.


Personal Settings

In the top bar is the name of the user who is logged in. By clicking on the name, the system will display a screen of personal settings, allowing you to enable or disable the receipt of email notifications and choose the language in which the system will be presented (if Teams Ideas™ Business Case has been parameterized in your preferred language setting).



To facilitate the use of the system, the top bar of Teams Ideas™ Business Case has icons that notify the user about the progress of their proposals or inform that there are pending actions to be taken by them, such as a technical evaluation. Below is the description of each icon.

1) Notifications About Updates: This icon notifies the user about updating their proposals or proposals that they have indicated as favorites. All action such as approval in budget prioritization is notified through this icon.
To access a notification item, simply click the bell and then the notification you want.



2) Pending Approvals: This icon is displayed for notifications related to pending approvals if the user is participating in some type of approval process such as technical evaluation.


When the user is notified, they can access the assessment through the item displayed in the notification.

3) Send Suggestions: When you click this icon, a text box will open that allows the user to submit suggestions for improvements to the product. These suggestions are sent directly to Prosperi, which will evaluate and prioritize suggestions.


This functionality can identify the screen on which the user is, and automatically categorizes a suggestion for that screen, as shown in the image below.


4) Help: By clicking the help icon, the system opens a new tab displaying the user's manual.


5) Settings: The settings icon directs the user to the main area of system settings, where all parameterizations are performed.



6) Exit: The exit icon, logs the user off Teams Ideas™ Business Case.


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